For our very special 25th episode, we give you all sorts of Bowery boys — the cultural and fashion trend of the 1840s, the notorious enemy of the Five Points gangs, and that slapstick bunch of New York actors from the 1930s and 1940s. And of course, a little bit about us!

The Bowery Boys, on their way to battle the Dead Rabbits (or is that the Roach Guards?)

The ‘Dead End Kids’, circa 1938, fresh from their fame in ‘Dead End’ and ‘Angels With Dirty Faces’

From the film ‘Dead End’
3 replies on “PODCAST: The Original Bowery Boys / B’hoys”
Hi Boys,
I just wanted to say I love you guys, and I really enjoyed hearing about your lives this past week… I listen to you every friday morning on my commute from Chelsea up to Columbia where I’m getting my masters in Historic Preservation. I just moved to the city this summer, so I love hearing about its history! More architectural history please!
Yours truly,
Wow, I’m about a year late in your comments section but I just found your site through a link from a blogroll on a bloglist from another site that linked to that one. I’m looking through your posts but haven’t seen anything on one of the most famous Bowery Boys of all – Steve Brodie. I recently wrote a short story on him –
Great site you have, I’ll be back regularly!
Any history on “Bowery Stan” the inkmaster (tattoo artist) that made his rep there in the
40’s-50’s? His father was also there before him…