Music History

Ramones/CBGB fans! Wanna be on the Bowery Boys Podcast? Just call us.

Did you ever see the Ramones play live — either here in New York or elsewhere? Did you ever go to CBGBs during its heydey — to see the Ramones, Blondie, the Talking Heads, Patti Smith or any other artist? Ever have an interesting experience with a member of the Ramones?

Help us celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Ramones’ first show at CBGB by sharing your memory with us for an upcoming podcast. 

Just call and leave a message at (844) 426-9379. After you press 1, you’ll be taken to the Bowery Boys listeners line.

Leave your message (no more than a minute long) and share your memory or enthusiasm for one of New York City’s greatest bands! No need to give your full name, just first name and the place you’re calling from.

By leaving a voicemail, you give permission for the message to be used on the episode. Thank you!

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