Film History Podcasts

The Magic of the Movie Theater: A History of Palaces and Arthouses

PODCAST In celebration of 125 years of movie exhibition in New York City — from vaudeville houses to movie palaces, from arthouses to multiplexes. On April 23, 1896 an invention called the Vitascope projected moving images onto a screen at a Midtown Manhattan vaudeville theater named Koster and Bial’s Music Hall. The business of movies… Read More

Film History It's Showtime

The Fantastic Mr. Fox: The media legacy of a legendary Brooklyn movie producer

A ghost hangs over an American media empire. Over one hundred years ago, a Brooklyn-based movie impresario named William Fox helped shape the direction of the nascent motion picture industry, building a film-production empire in New Jersey and New York and operating a string of theaters that would introduce millions to the possibilities of moving… Read More

Bowery Boys Movie Club

Coming to America: Fast food and beautiful hair in 1980s New York

The new episode of the Bowery Boys Movie Club explores the film Coming to America and the gritty historical context of late 1980s New York City. An exclusive podcast for those who support us on Patreon. Eddie Murphy plays an optimistic African prince looking for the love of his life in the 1988 film Coming… Read More

Podcasts Writers and Artists

Edith Wharton’s New York: An Insider’s View of the Gilded Age

PODCAST New York’s upper class families of the late 19th century lived lives of old-money pursuits and rigid, self-maintained social restrictions — from the opera boxes to the carriages, from the well-appointed parlors to the table settings. It was leisure without relaxation. EPISODE 357 In this show we examine the story of Edith Wharton —… Read More

Podcasts Women's History

Uprising: The Shirtwaist Strike of 1909

EPISODE 311 Nobody had seen anything quite like it. In late November 1909, tens of thousands of workers went on strike, angered by poor work conditions and unfair wages within the city’s largest industry. New York City had seen labor strikes before, but this one would change the city forever. The industry in question was… Read More

Friday Night Fever Podcasts Religious History

Nights of Vice: The Midnight Adventures of Doctor Parkhurst

PODCAST Welcome to your tour of New York City nightlife in the 1890s, to a fantasia of debauchery, to a “saturnalia of crime,” your journey to a life of amoral delights! Courtesy a private detective, a blond-headed naif nicknamed “Sunbeam” and — a prominent Presbyterian minister. In this episode, we’re going to Sin City, the… Read More

Health and Living The Knick

The Knick is now on HBO Max: Our guide to this twisted medical series

The grim, bloody wonderful business known as The Knick — primarily set in a New York City hospital at the start of the 20th century — only got two seasons but they were great fun. This virtuoso dark drama, created by Jack Amiel and Michael Begler, was directed by Steven Soderbergh in a shadowy and… Read More

Black History Podcasts

Harlem Before The Renaissance: Making a mecca for Black America

PODCAST “If we were to offer a symbol of what Harlem has come to mean in a short span of twenty years, it would be another statue of liberty on the landward side of New York. Harlem represents the Negro’s latest thrust towards Democracy.” — Alain Locke EPISODE 353 This is Part Two of our… Read More

Black History Podcasts

The Birth of Black Harlem: On the Road to a Renaissance

PODCAST How did Harlem become Harlem, the historic and spiritual center of Black culture, politics and identity in American life? This is the story of radical change — through radical real estate. By the 1920s, Harlem had become the capital of Black America, where so many African-American thinkers, artists, writers, musicians and entrepreneurs would live… Read More

Bowery Boys Movie Club

Auntie Mame: The most glamorous lady on Beekman Place

In a bit of Super Bowl counter programming, we’ve just released an unusually eccentric episode of Bowery Boys Movie Club to the general Bowery Boys Podcast audience, exploring the 1958 comedy masterpiece Auntie Mame. New episodes of the Movie Club are exclusive to those who support us on Patreon. For current patrons, we’ve also just released a brand… Read More

Bowery Boys Movie Club

Breakfast At Tiffany’s: An aging classic, ‘mean reds’ in a little black dress

The new episode of the Bowery Boys Movie Club explores the film Breakfast At Tiffany’s and the rich historical context of early 1960s New York City. An exclusive podcast for those who support us on Patreon. In the film version of Truman Capote‘s daring 1958 novella — starring Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard— New York… Read More

Podcasts Skyscrapers

The World Trade Center in the 1970s

PODCAST The World Trade Center opened its distinctive towers during one of New York City’s most difficult decades, a beacon of modernity in a city beleaguered by debt and urban decay. Welcome to the 1970s. EPISODE 350 This year, believe it or not, marks the 20th anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers on… Read More

Bridges Podcasts Queens History

The Queensboro Bridge and the Rise of a Borough

“The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald EPISODE 349 This is the story of a borough with great potential and the curious brown-tannish cantilever bridge which helped… Read More

Bowery Boys

The Bowery Boys podcast, now in its 14th year. Tell a friend about the show!

This Friday we begin our 14th year of podcasting with a new episode about one of New York City’s most beloved landmarks. And on January 29, we will release our 350th episode — on a subject which is certain to surprise you! We’re returned to our regular recording schedule — a brand new episode of… Read More

Planes Trains and Automobiles Podcasts

The Destruction of Penn Station

On January 1, 2021 Moynihan Train Hall officially opened to the public, a new commuters’ wing catering to both Amtrak and Long Island Railroad train passengers at New York’s underground (and mostly unloved) Penn Station. To celebrate this big moment in New York City transportation history, we’re going to tell the entire story of Pennsylvania… Read More